The Club

Official statement from Olympique de Marseille

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On Thursday 30 January 2025 at 04:45
Official statement from Olympique de Marseille.

Olympique de Marseille were stunned to learn of the sanction imposed on Medhi Benatia.


Once again, the club regrets the inconsistency and relentlessness to which its Director of Football is being subjected, despite the fact that the images broadcast clearly demonstrated the absence of any threat invoked by Mr Stinat, the 4th referee during the OM-LOSC match. During today's hearing, this absence of threat was even confirmed by the FFF's principal delegate, who was present and in the vicinity during the said events.


Convinced of the indisputable nature of the evidence provided to the FFF Disciplinary Committee and of the unfair and disproportionate nature of the sanction imposed on Medhi Benatia, the club and its Director of Football have jointly decided to appeal against this decision and, if necessary, to refer the matter to the relevant administrative courts.